immediate termination (April fools!)


I've written my dismissal for working on this server, it's been a crazy ride and I hope everyone find peace in their lives. Thank you for some great years.

Posted By Flandyn read more

The learners area will be cleared soon.


Hei, The Learner's area will be cleared during the weekend of February 1th & 2th. If you would like to show your creation to a mod/admin for a possible rankup, ask them soon. If your creation has not been finished yet, feel free to ask a mod/admin to save it for you. Remember: Mods/admins are allowed to deny your request to save a creation. If you can't contact a mod/admin in time, place a sign on the reportboard at '/warp report' to make sure it will be noticed by a mod/admin before the plot will be cleared.

If you would like to build in the learners area while the plots are being cleared, make sure to ONLY build on the green plots. Those are the plots who already have been cleared.


Posted By Flandyn read more

Hosting meltdown


An hour and a half ago we have received an email from our hosting provider stating that they were going out of business effective immediately and urging to pull the data off their servers. Half an hour ago, the server went offline before we could finish pulling the data. Wow. We're not going to talk professional ethics here, but seriously... wow.

Let's have a little minute of silence to mourn all of the Minecraft servers that were killed by this (if you were hosted with Daddycheese or ShardHost - our condolences to you).

Now, what happens to us? Well, as you may remember, we had a long history with crappy hosting providers so we knew better than that... and had a backup elsewhere. So we're going to pull through and survive, although it was a pretty close call losing the entire server like this. :P

We're busy working on a replacement server - stay tuned. And always remember to have a backup!

UPD: we got our hands on the replacement server. Currently importing the Hawkeye database and it's taking a while. Expecting to have the whole thing running again tomorrow morning (UTC).
UPD2: we are back up and running on a new server! The server state has been rollback'd to 4:38 AM UTC Nov 12th.


Stym & the team

Posted By stym read more

Problems with most user groups.



We have fixed it now, however, if any problems persist, don't hesitate to contact us.

Hello there!

We are currently having problems with some user groups i.e, were they can't talk, interact with the world.
This problem will hopefully get resolved soon.

We have updated PEX now, but it still didn't fix it. We are still onto the problem.

Posted By Emilgardis read more

Mod with the new launcher!


One of the biggest problems with the new launcher from Mojang is that it prevents you from modding your client. This video I found and successfully tested out on Windows 7 will explain how to play with mods using the new launcher. Please note this is for Windows users only.

Posted By onlybob read more

Important info about new launcher (for users with high-end graphic cards)


As a heads up, the new launcher can cause lag whenever you play multiplayer. This is a big issue for us as our massive redstone machines can decrease fps dramatically. If you do have a dedicated graphics card, go to the GPU's settings and put in javaw.exe to the list to run the dedicated card as opposed to the integrated graphics. There is one bad side to doing this: Whenever you run, or a program runs javaw.exe, it will ALWAYS use the dedicated card which will drain batteries on laptops. I hope this "heads-up" was useful for you. Have fun building!


Posted By onlybob read more

The Learner's area will be cleared soon.


Hello there, The Learner's area will be cleared on Saturday June 29th. If you would like to show your creation to a mod/admin for a possible rankup, ask them soon. If your creation has not been finished yet, feel free to ask a mod/admin to save it for you. Remember: Mods/admins are allowed to deny your request to save a creation. If you can't contact a mod/admin in time, place a sign on the reportboard at '/warp report' to make sure it will be noticed by a mod/admin before the plot will be cleared.


Posted By woesh0007 read more

Scheduled downtime today


Hi guys,

Out hosting company will be migrating to a different datacenter today. The migration will start at 9PM CST (UTC-6) and will last from 6 to 12 hours, during which the server will not be available. The website will still be up and running, so we will keep you posted with the updates.


Posted By stym read more

Learner's plot will be reset soon


Hei, we are going to have a new learner's plot reset May 13. I hope that everyone is becoming well prepared. And we do accept if anyone wants their creation stored, we if could refuse to do it, if the creation is assumed as either crap or a copy from the internet. We want fresh ideas, new creations and creative invetions.

UPDATE: Just a small update from your staffmember Flandyn. If you want a schematic of your creation. Do /warp report. We've made this report board so people can request things like: Griefs, Wants a plot, Schematic, World Edit help, or anything else.

Your Beloving Norwegian:

Posted By Flandyn read more

Learner's plot reset


Hello all. Due to the superfluous amount of redstone creations on the learners plots, we are going to reset the learners plots NEXT SATURDAY (the 13th of April). If you feel your creation is massive and IN PROGRESS, it will be saved. Thank you for your patience.


Posted By onlybob read more


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