Ban appeals

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Please read the first post in this thread. It tells you how to write a ban appeal.
Hint: We don't want to hear excuses. (if it was a sibling it's still your fault, see rules. You are responsible for your account).

Ban Appeal

h1 m1 nam3 iz g0kb0rg. 1 waz ban3d caz 0f m1 baD 3nglish. 1 kn0w 1 hf baD 3nglish, buT i r3a11y am tR1ng1ng t0 1mpr0v3 1t. pl3az3 giv3 m3 a s3c0nd chanc3. 1 wi11 tr1 t0 1mprov3 at A rap1D rat3 1 pr0miz3.



Your ban has been extended to a permanent ban.

Ban Appeal

After being banned for my "number grammar" for ten minutes, I posted an obnoxious and inappropiate ban appeal as a joke. It seems that it was the cause of my permanent ban. I didn't realize the consequences I would face for posting my "number grammar." I was not showing the correct behaviour and am willing to show that I can change. I should not have posted a "joke" in this forum and am sorry.



You can join again.

Ban Appeal


My name is Benrift. I was banned; again. Reason: posting an IP. Not sure why I was banned. It's completely public information, readily accessible to anyone who wants to see it. There's no problem with it. I was just unbanned, and I hadn't gotten a chance to update myself on the rules. I was just chatting with some fellow players about a coding project I was working on. I will refrain from posting that kind of content again, and I am sorry.


Did you finally read the rules?
Since if you did, you would know why "posting an IP", in your case, is not desired.
Tell me which rules you "broke" so that I know you read them.
Btw you could have asked a team member before posting them, which would be what the rules wanted you to do.

You should know where the rules are, since you got banned by breaking them, I assume that you read them like the bible to not fail again. Which it seems you did not do. Your fault.



Reply here and not somewhere else please!
"Tell me which rules you broke" is by the way not included in your answer. Quote them for me.
Very specific please.

Rules that I broke.

The rules that I broke:

1. Links must be educational or related to this server.
2. Do not harass or insult other players in any way.

O k a y

Last chance. No more messing around. No breaking rules. Auth server are down. So you may be back today.

Fishing Ecconia

I was banned because I tped to Ecconia and threw a fishing rod at him. After being banned I realized this was unintended harassment and I never realized the consequences of my actions. I am truthfully sorry that I threw a fishing rod at Ecconia not realizing my foolish mistake.

Too busy to make it a tban.

Well you waited enough. Welcome back.

Ban Appeal: Paul1365972

It was a happy day after not having played MC for 2 years, then i re-met Ecconia, who brought me into temptation of pressing "the admin button", now im banned. I will never press that button again... Please unban me :,c My concept of an cache for big RAMs is currently being build there by me


But only that button... better check all buttons from now on, they may be cursed now.
Lel didn't got an email about your appeal.

Ban Appeal: Paul1365972

I pressed the button again :c to test if it is plugin or vanilla side... it was from a plugin RIP :c Pls unban me part 2

I will never press that button again...

+Testing if vanilla side, did I just hear about client side ban bypass? (btw not allowed in the rules.)


You ARE using a non vanilla client. No unban.

Your mistaking

I said i would never press that button again... i didnt! I wondered if a command block bans the ppl pressing that button, so i tried to break it (not pressing it). If nothing happens its a command block or a plugin, if i get banned i would mean that there is a plugin doing the banning (thats what i meant by vanilla/plugin). Well i got banned, now i know that! I never used any special client except for Optifine on this server or any other third party program, soo... So i got only banned for pressing the admin button a second time :,c sorry (can i get unbanned)


Last chance regards button

Ban Appeal

I would like to be unbanned. I was supposedly banned for "griefing the learner plot". I do not remember acting in this way, as I do not hack at all. I loved this server, and I would love to be back.

Thanks for considering me,

JetFEE42's picture

Hello, I broke some rules by pressing a button. The button looked pretty promising and I really wanted to press it. I am sorry for pressing it and I assure you it will never happen again because being banned sucks. So pls unban because I really dont want to go to oinkcraft. thanks.


Since I know the circumstance. And I have to admit, the button looked like a tasty banana back then.

Banned for chair

Banned by ecconia for rebellious behavior. I need to be unbanned so I can continue to float around and stare at him.



I apologize for my rash

I apologize for my rash behavior. In the future I will not commit such frivolous acts as I understand now that they can get my banned. I would hate to lose my privileges to contribute to this server as I have been a member for a long time and I love the community and the knowledge that is a part of this server.


Semi-approved. Next time he sits on my chair he will get warning.... for sure!


I realise that my methods of attempting to be unbanned were rude and desperate. I shouldn't have attempted to use past cases in order to factor me an unban. I understand if you won't take me back, but I'm truly sorry. I was banned for Griefing Alex's Plot which I did not do - but this was not a false ban. Yes, my account did go to Alex's plot and break it but it wasn't me. I know that my account was compromised, and I have changed my password and made sure that it is harder to guess. I promise my account won't ever do that again. Please accept me.

Thank you for considering,
ismartroman(Newest username DayTheMeme)

woesh0007's picture

Dear ismartroman,

Your ban appeal has been approved. Your account is your responsibility, make sure this never happens again.


PS: Ban info:
Player DayTheMeme is permanently banned by Ecconia on 2017-03-04 08:14:02. Reason: Griefing Alex plot..



PrinceOfCreation's picture
Ban appeal - I'm sorry I pushed the button

Dear whoever is reading this now,

I am writing to appeal for an unban.
I was in Ecconia's office (/warp Ecconia) at around 8:50am BST. I noticed a button that had signs all around it saying "Do not press, you will get banned" and things like that. Now, knowing Ecconia people on here, I thought this was a joke and nothing would happen. I pressed it, and am now permbanned (I think). I love this server, and it would mean the world to me to be unbanned. However, I know that I should have read the signs and taken things more seriously. Once again, I am sorry for "messing with admin stuff" and disobeying signs, and, if I am denied, thank-you for so much fun I have had on this wonderful server.


Pressed Ecconia's Button

Dear Ecconia, I'm sorry i sat in your chair and pressed your button and i realized that it was a mistake. May i be unbanned? -1010010001010101

Sad :'(

But why did you even do it?


Im sorry BB <3 i love you. I did it because i didn't think it would actually ban me. If i am unbanned i will never press it again, I promise.

Denied currently.

I will shorten your ban to one week, from this point on.
But if you want to play soon again, you have to write a good honest ban appeal.

"I did it because i didn't think it would actually ban me."
-> So everytime you see something, which you think it won't ban you, you will press/use it? Intersting... well that is not how it should be?
Or is there actually another reason you pressed the button, since you love me? :O But if you would love me... I am confused!

Button pressing

I understand the error of my ways. Clearly i shouldn't be pressing buttons that don't belong to me. I pressed the button because i wanted to rebel and didn't realize it would end up like this. Please accept my apology. I will never press the button again.

Hmm okay...

so la la but passes.



Abusing world edit

I write this appeal not because i was banned, but because i abused world edit by putting walls in front of the learner spawn exit doors.
I understand that that is not how world edit should be used and that it was bothersome and unnecessary. I will do no such thing in the future. If you would be so kind as to return world edit to me (after set period of time probably) I would be so very grateful.
-WoeshBot ~beep boop~

Banned for Button

I was banned for touching a sacred button but nobody would believe the circumstances that preceded this event. There were a bunch of bullies in game calling me names and beating me up then they saw ecconia's ban button and they grabbed my hand and pressed it for me. It was a traumatic experience and was totally against my will.

No but I pressed the button so unban me pls.


Since you got already banned multiple times. Ban appeals of this kind won't work anymore.
You don't seem to feel any remorse. If you only come to our server to do this kind of things, playing with admins and rules, you will stay banned forever.
And even if you get unbanned after this recent incident, there won't be a chance ever again. No unban from me anymore.

RE: Denied

Alright :'(

At least keep in contact with me on discord. Hop in voice with us some time. <3


But I am more time on our VC


pm me then if you want to chat

JetFEE42's picture
Pressed a Button

I got banned for pressing the button again. I was screwing around and I pressed it and its been a few days since. I will not press the button again because being banned twice for the same thing means being a nub. I should be more careful of what signs tell me. plz accept.
(new name is planeree69 btw)

Button terms of use:

Since I am too lazy to post a pic, here the most important quotes:

- Only press this button, if you hate this server and do not want to be a part of it anymore. (We will treat it as that statement)
- If you are able to write a good excuse, there will be at least a 1 month timed ban.
- Core members, or members which are friendly with Ecconia do not get a shorter ban time.

How lucky, that you pressed the button before I updated the signs to that, quoted up there.
But maybe you should try a bit harder. You have been messing way too much on the server with stuff like that.


Ban Appeal

I was banned from Stym's Redstone Server on 8/30/17 by Admin, Ecconia. Ban message read:
"Bathing in pool with clothes... Wanted to ban you for 2h, but then something reminded me... I promised your next ban will me permanant. I told you to stay away from me! You didn't. You also continued to break my custom rules... MMMM :( I don't much improvement since your last ban, where you intentioally broke a huge amount of rules we have on this server. This I said I will be stict with you. You don't seem to care about that. No unban from me. You abused my trust, in unbanned players."
I have read the rules, and no where do they state I am not allowed to swim in a small pool at spawn with a clothed skin. This is clearly a petty reason to ban me as Ecconia has clearly shown he is biased towards me. I'm also not sure what "custom rules" are. If by custom you mean "made up" how on earth do you suppose I'm to follow them? You may be Admin, but you cannot make up rules as you please to punish people for.
You also state that I have not improved since my last ban — ? I have. I have not broken any legitimate rule since my last ban. There was one instance where I swore in German — however, that was a translation mistake. I didn't know that it translated into an offensive word. For that, I apologize.
This is a redstone server, and clearly, I'd like to improve my redstone skills. That's what I'm trying to do. I have no desire to break rules, because that'd be shooting myself in the foot. I do not want to be banned. However, when I am banned for made-up rules like wearing the incorrect skin, or not "staying away from you" in game, that stops me from actually playing on the server.
I personally think Ecconia is a poor staff member. A staff member's job is to enforce rules and see that the player's playing experience goes well. Ecconia freely hands out punishments and makes up rules and shows heavy biased towards others. He makes the playing experience extremely unpleasant for me.
Please accept my appeal and understand that I do not desire to break rules or be banned, I only wish to play on the server — that's the point of its existance.

As promised denied from me.

As promised denied from me.
You harassed and provoked me, even though I gave you several warnings:
"Stay away from me, I will judge you very strict"
You also have the opinion I do not like you since your last unban.
Knowing that; Why did you continue to hang around in a area, which is clearly labeled as dangerous, to annoy Ecconia.
That a fact which I cannot explain and do not understand: Why do player continue to play with that clearly stated and well known danger.
You are not the only one, and I do punish everyone who loves to "mock" me there.

Name it abuse, name it unfair. I play with open cards.

Vulgar/sexual build in another member's plot.

Reason: Vulgar/sexual build in another member's plot.

I was banned for a build on Faye_'s plot for some reason. The last time I have played on the server was when it was in 1.9. So I am pretty sure I was false banned. I don't even build that much, only redstone usually. I was going to try to rank up because I wanted to have my own plot. I promise I didn't do anything. I mean like I like Faye_ she is really nice and I wouldn't do anything in her plot.

Farex's picture

I do not believe you are being entirely truthful. For one, you know whose plot you did it on, and that was not included in the ban reason. Of course, you could know this different ways, maybe you are only added to Faye_'s plot, but most likely you know what you did. Your account was also online just over a month ago. Note that under normal circumstances, we ban accounts, not people, and if someone else was on your account, your ban is still valid.

You can create another appeal if you would like, but make sure it follows the guidelines described in the post at the beginning of this thread ( As said there, we are not monsters who just want to ban people, but rules must be enforced, and things must be done the right way.

~ Farex

Farex's picture
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